Friday, July 5, 2024

Elf on The Shelf

 The Elf on Shelf site is having a sale on items if anybody is interested.  Last year I got a couple games that the elf gave on certain days and few things for stockings.

Don't forget when grocery shopping or out and about to pick up baby items or travelers size items, pairs of socks, lip chap etc. to give to shelters, nursing homes or shelters housing new mothers.  

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Toasted Almond Fingers

 1 cup butter, room temperature

2 cups flour

3/4 cup powdered sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. milk

2 cups finely chopped almonds, toasted

1 tsp. vanilla

6 oz. good chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

Cream butter and powdered sugar until fluffy, beat in milk and vanilla.  Add flour, salt, and nuts to combine. The dough should come together and form a ball.  If too soft, chill for 30 minutes wrapped in plastic to prevent drying out.

Shape spoonful of dough into 2" fingers, placing on ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake for 15-18 minutes until very lightly browned.  Cool completely on wire rack.

Melt chocolate chips of choice in a double boiler.  Dip one end about 1/3 of cookie, placing on waxed paper to set.  Sprinkle with desired sugars or decorations to compliment the season---optional

Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

Option to use finely chopped pecans, walnuts or cashews in place of almonds if desired.  Also dark chocolate works.

Recipe is from a book of a local author.  A Simple Stitch series by Deb Obermeier.  Has 2 books and a cookbook.  I am awaiting her 3rd book. She is on Amazon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 How many of you remember taking in the rolls of film after vacation, family reunion, holidays or any occasions and getting the pictures?

I am considering for Christmas to get together pictures from cell phones, and computers and to print them off for my granddaughter.  If something happens to the computers or phones she will not have the pictures. Would like to do her a small album of various ages.

Do you have anybody who would like a small album or maybe a couple new pictures printed out for them to frame?  Some they haven't seen from you capturing them on your phone.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Popcorn Tin

 Do you have any popcorn tins around?

If you do, spray paint them and use decals or stickers or decoupage with pictures of you with them, cards, or whatever.  Then fill the tin with homemade treats--hot chocolate mix, corn chex mix, layered jars or containers of cookie mixes or soup ingredients, and even just bags of homemade cookies. Could put rolls of frozen cookie dough in and they can bake them when needed. (with instructions of course)

Can even be a container to wrap a odd present in and can always decorate the tin with a hobby of theirs Cooking items with recipes decoupaged on the sides, garden items, doll with clothes, bottle, homemade blanket, etc..... (see if it stays stored in there--lol)  Maybe if a child into the little cars, small tractors or farm animals could decorate as such and have a storage bin for them.

Monday, July 1, 2024



I have not posted in ages---seems never enough time to get all done!  I do go look at blogs I follow.  Some I can't post on anymore but, I enjoy reading them!

I am going to post my yearly reminder that I do every July (I am sure), this is the time to check your Christmas mailing labels if you order them and any labels for treats that you have your name printed on. Companies like Colorful Image and Current normally have sales on them in July.

Also, remember your garden lovers and yard decorators that you buy gifts for.  Stores are putting those items on clearance. Summer toys for kids--pool items and sandbox items.

Elf on The Shelf

 The Elf on Shelf site is having a sale on items if anybody is interested.  Last year I got a couple games that the elf gave on certain days...