Monday, July 1, 2024



I have not posted in ages---seems never enough time to get all done!  I do go look at blogs I follow.  Some I can't post on anymore but, I enjoy reading them!

I am going to post my yearly reminder that I do every July (I am sure), this is the time to check your Christmas mailing labels if you order them and any labels for treats that you have your name printed on. Companies like Colorful Image and Current normally have sales on them in July.

Also, remember your garden lovers and yard decorators that you buy gifts for.  Stores are putting those items on clearance. Summer toys for kids--pool items and sandbox items.


Miss Jodee said...

Thanks for the reminders about getting labels and summer toys sales. I will be looking out for some outdoor fun ideas as gifts.

Pamela said...

Happy CIJ! Great reminders. Lots of catalog companies have good sales right now.

Popcorn Tin

 Do you have any popcorn tins around? If you do, spray paint them and use decals or stickers or decoupage with pictures of you with them, ca...