I purchased a yard of this material this a.m.. I think I will make a curtain for the craft room. The forest green one goes but this will lighten it up. Sounds like a good reason to buy more fabric!!!! I love to buy fabric. Alot harder tho now that Wal-Mart doesn't sell it.
Can enlarge pictures to read it.
Sound like an addiction to me:) Can't wait to see the finished product!
this fabrie is really cute!
my town has 2 superWalmarts and one of them has a very nice fabric dept. Our Bobby Lobby has good deals on fabric too.
You should just come to my town :)
What cute fabric! Our Wal-Mart quit selling fabric quite a while ago. Fortunately we have several quilt shops in our area (Charlotte, NC), a Hobby Lobby and the famous MaryJo's (www.maryjos.com). If you can't find it at MaryJo's, they don't make it! It's about 45 minutes from my house but worth every minute!
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